Paper Revision Checklist

Writer _____________________   Class _________________________



Does the paper focus on the main theme/title?


Does the paper have a clear beginning, middle development, and ending?


Does every paragraph have a topic sentence and supporting details?


Does the paper flow from one idea to the next, or does it seem choppy?


Does the paper have too many spelling mistakes?


Does the paper have too many grammar mistakes?


Is the paper written scholastically in APA Style?


Does the paper have a wide variety of word choices?


Does the paper have a wide variety of sentence structure? (simple, compound, and complex sentence structure)


Is the paper content interesting or does it make people think it important?


Does the paper develop the argument logically, clearly and coherently with clarity?



If the answer is Ħ°NoĦħ to any of the above questions, go back and revise your paper.