Open-Ended Survey for Students

Background:                                                                                            Yes               No

1.  Have you taken any courses that use LearningSpace before?              

2.  If Yes, please mention

      Number of course(s) ________________________________________________________ 

      When taken   ______________________________________________________________


      Where taken  ______________________________________________________________


3.  How do you evaluate your computer skills?             none              limited            good          excellent



4.  Check the item(s) you can use with computers

         Word Processor (e.g., Microsoft word)   _________                Internet   __________

         Powerpoint   _________                   Access       ___________            Spread Sheet ____________

         Others ____________


5.  How do you evaluate your skills to use Internet?      none              limited            good          excellent



6.  Do you have a computer at home or easy access to computers?                    Yes              No


7.  Do you have Internet access at home or easy access to Internet?                   Yes             No



8.  How often do you use LearningSpace this semester, on average?    


     never            Less than 6 times/semester              once/week         twice/week               three times or more/week



9.       Besides LearningSpace, have you used other groupware (such as Blackboard, Lotusnotes)?                                                       

                                                                              Yes                           No 


Open-Ended Questions:


1.      What is it like to use Lotus LearningSpace for your class?


2.      What do you think of LearningSpace as a communication tool for learning?


3.      What are the advantages and disadvantages of LearningSpace?


4.      What is your expectation for Lotus LearningSpace for future renovation?