Interview Questionnaire for Students


1.      Can you briefly tell me what you feel in using LearningSpace?

2.      Do you feel comfortable to use LearningSpace to learn and interact with people?

3.      Is LearningSpace effective in support learning or not effective in terms of its facilities and capabilities (e.g., in multimedia, asynchronous interaction, ease of use, clear to see and easy to find out information, download speed, etc.) Why?

4.      Can LearningSpace meet your needs when you use it?

5.      Are the teacher's teaching approaches appropriate to this class?

6.      What is the perceived strength and weakness of LearningSpace?

7.      Do you feel the belonging to this learning community (in terms of cooperative learning, each other's support, getting other people's information and experiences, checking or comparing each other's assignment and quizes)? How and why?

8.      Do you think this distance learning class is successful? Why?

9.      What do you expect of the future version of LearningSpace in a renovation sense?